Mary statue

We have several wonderful statue designs of our Mary


You will surely find a statue representation among the hundreds of statues here


She appears as the people of each time and place need to see her

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Madonna Queen National Shrine – East Boston – Boston, MA

21 reviews of Madonna Queen National Shrine "A … National Shrine is on top a large lookout in East Boston by … chapel dedicated to the Blessed Mother.

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Blessed Mother – Matthew F. Sheehan Company Boston

Shop for Blessed Mother Statues for indoor or … Madonna of Peace … Matthew F. Sheehan is pleased to offer a large selection of Blessed Mother Statues to …

Statue of Madonna beckons to Boston and beyond – Lowell Sun …

Statue of Madonna beckons to Boston and … statue of the Madonna stands tall against the Boston … a lifelong devotion to the Blessed Mother.

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Find great deals on eBay for large mother mary statue. Shop with confidence. Skip to main … VTG Large Blessed Mother Madonna Statue Planter Vase Virgin Mary Haeger …

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Find great deals on eBay for vintage blessed mother statue. … VTG Large Blessed Mother Madonna Statue Planter Vase … VTG BLESSED MOTHER MADONNA MARY & BABY JESUS …

The Fisherman's Feast | About The Feast

The Blessed Mother with the boy still … boy's mother and said, 'Put your trust in Madonna del … and is the property of the Fisherman's Feast of Boston …

Statues of Our Lady Blessed Virgin Mary, Figurines of Our …

Statues & figurines of Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary. Various styles, sizes, and devotions to the Mother of God. Close Menu. Go! Clearance … Madonna & Child; Our …

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Welcome to! Which offer the finest selection of Madonna Mary statues for indoor or outdoor use made from the finest stone materials in the world. If you are not sure which Mary statue to choose for your application please contact us and we can help!



Madonna is a representation of Mary, mother of jesus, either alone or with her child Jesus. These images of Madonna are central icons for both the Catholic and Orthodox churches.The word of Madonna is from Italian ma donna, meaning ‘my lady’. The Madonna and Child garden statues are very prevalent in Christian iconography.



The term Madonna in the sense of “picture or statue of the Virgin Mary” enters English usage in the 17th century, primarily in reference to works of the Italian Renaissance. In an Eastern Orthodox context, such images are typically known as Theotokos. “Madonna” may be generally used of representations of Mary, with or without the infant Jesus, is the focus and central figure of the image, possibly flanked or surrounded by angels or saints. Other types of Marian imagery have a narrative context, depicting scenes from the Life of the Virgin, e.g. the Annunciation to Mary, are not typically called “Madonna“.

There are also have many other types of Madonna statues, such as famous michelangelo’s madonna and child brugge, madonna of the trail statue,madonna of kitchen statue, etc.


These lovely religious garden marble statues of the Madonna inspire deep devotion as we reflect on Mary’s great love for the Christ child. Artistic and graceful, these images of the Blessed Mother madonna are a wonderful celebration of love and life! Available in various stone marble materials, and various sizes and prices, be sure to ask for help if you need it!

